Ripe & Ready
10/12/24 This weekend for you-pick we have Fuji and Braeburn Apples, Asian pears, $1.50/lb, and Kiwi berries (hardy kiwis) $2.40/lb.
At the stand we have a variety of ready-picked apples and pears, and we also have frozen Aurora blueberries, black currant jelly, blueberry juice, popsicles, winter squash, pumpkins, and kiwis.
Coming soon: We will have an apple pressing and season close-out on October 26th, with pumpkins, winter squash, and the normal frozen and processed products, along with whatever orchard fruit is still available at that time. That will be the end of our season for 2024!
Please note that because you pick is almost done our hours have changed to Saturdays only from 8-3 in October!
Check back soon, this content is updated at least weekly.
Available Now
Price: $3.30 per pound
Price: $1.70 per pound
Price: $1.70 per pound
Price: $10.00 per Quart
Price: $1.70 per pound
Price: $1.70 per pounds
Done for the Season
Price: $3.30 per pound
Price: $5.00 per pound
Price: $4.20 per pound
Price: $2.00 per pound
Price: $1.70 per pound
Price: $5.00 per pound